we&us } Twoone ; Bring It On . (:
! footprints of our youth!(:
Friday, February 20, 2009
Turned down .

What are we going to vote for? We're gonna vote for the most boring/hated subject teachers!
(Miss Tan, if you see this pls don't kill me. At least you know which teacher is MOST HATED by us!)

This is how you should do your voting.

Step 1)Tag on the tagboard with your name and write the most boring/hated teacher's name on the tagboard!

Step 2) Explain why you hate this teacher by giving another tag!

Step 3) You're done!

The following are STRICTLY NOT ALLOWED in your explanation.

1) No Vulgarities

2) No flaming/criticizing/labelling/insulting


If you think it's abit too confidential for you to say it out, please email to us and tell us who!

Yours Sincerely, AhQian a.k.a Martinn!

Monday, February 16, 2009
Some poets that I have....

Thanks Justin for creating a post on the class tees....Will spend some time (less then 10 mins to talk abt the class tees in art class tomorrow... just 10!)

so any feedback about the mass run? anything interesting that happened and you would like to share with the class?? post post :D

Am glad that the WHOLE class turn up for the mass run! claps claps

I was marking some of your SAM worksheet and was rather impressed by some of the poems you guys came up with. Hope you remembered this painting which you were tasked to come up with a short poem. Or rather, you saw a painting which resembled this one which the artist painted and posted online.

Lee Ufan, Corespondence (2 dots) 2007,

adapted from http://pplibrairie.over-blog.com/


The dots are far apart,

don't stop, don't stop.

I want a friend to meet,

Stop getting away from me;

But, what can we do, we are trapped in a box.

- Eryani


Two square dots,

One at the top right, the other, bottom left.

When you enter one of them,

you'll exit at the other.



Two squares, two squares

Far away from each pair

The tone of both difers sadly

like how two brothers behave badly

staying away from each other.

--Yong He


Expressing his feelings on two grey dots

Lee Ufan made a point

I dont think he cared what others thought

Doing what he did best

Painting on the spot.



Although it may seem simple,

Some won't understand,

But the simple things in life,

means great things

Its simplicity is just a cover,

underneath it, is where the knowledge is hidden.

-- Benjamin


hope you guys enjoyed reading some of the poems that your classmates came up with and which caught my attention while marking. Some of you are real little poets to come up with such thought provoking poems just from this simple painting.

Ms Tan is truly impressed. keep it up!

Hope you guys enjoyed the SAM expedition.

and yes.... i still have to put up some SAM photos I took with my "netballers" on Friday. The "netballers" include my dear Sham!

p/s and Ms Tan looks so :s in the SAM photo. Thanks to Martin!

-- Ms Tan

Class TEEEE :D

Class Tee
about the class tee teacher mentioned in class during CE today . feel free to post your recommendations on the tagboard =D
i.e Colour/Type of T etc..

Mass Run
Had fun during last saturday running ? Feel free to voice out what happened/something interesting during the run ! share it with us :D we are a class !
Had fun with your valentine ? :P


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Edited and Framed on our blog :D
done by none other than that loud girl
who sits at the back of the class behind (Yang)2
you know who lar :D her name starts with an M, ends
with an ISTIKA .